Vacant positions

We are currently looking for a volunteer to do service as Webmaster. Must be an 

Please give Al-Anon a fair try

It is important to attend several meetings before deciding if Al-Anon is for you. We suggest you attend 6 to 8 meetings. Try various meetings to see where you may feel comfortable.

Each meeting is composed of a different group of people, and each has it’s own unique character and strengths. Some are structured for beginners. You are welcome at all meetings.

What if no-one is at a meeting site?

The members of Al-Anon try hard to make sure someone is at each meeting to open the door, set up the room, chair the meeting, and make newcomers and old friends alike feel welcome. However, we aren’t perfect.

Sometimes attendance drops off at a particular meeting or some unforeseen circumstance prevents people from attending. If you come to a meeting, and the door is locked or no one else is in attendance, please accept our apologies, and please let us know. Call or e-mail us and we will let you know if a particular meeting is operating and/or help you find another that is.
