
English-speaking meetings listed by town/city (click for details) :

Note for newcomers and those who have not attended a meeting for a while: Before you travel to a meeting, we suggest that you phone the meeting contact number to make sure that there will be a meeting on the day you wish to attend. In case there is no number listed or if nobody is answering the phone you can just show up at the meeting. You are always welcome!

Voor Nederlandstalige meetings (Dutch meetings) klik hier.

Amsterdam,  NL, "Gratitude" (Tuesday)

Tuesday 19.30-20.30


Due to corona regulations meetings will take place via Skype.

Please send a message to "Tuesday Gratitude" to be added.

Amsterdam, NL, "Joy" (Thursday)

Thursday 19:00 – 20:30

This meeting has turned hybrid! so you are both welcome to join via Skype and live at the Jellinek.  

Contact: Annick (06-20032392) or Jessica ( to be able to join online via skype or simply show up in person at:

Physical Address:

Jellinek room 0.C.04, Jacob Obrechtstraat 92, 1071KR Amsterdam


Note: Every 4th Thursday of the month this meeting has a Newcomer focus called Al-Anon Basics. The meeting will focus on tools of the program and cover topics such as Step 1, understanding ourselves and alcoholism, CAL, sponsorship, Higher Power, Adult Child of Alcoholics. Everybody is welcome, especially newcomers to the program. (If you are new, you are also most welcome any other Thursday!)

Amsterdam, NL - "Men's Meeting" (Thursday)

Thursday 20:00 – 21:00

English-spoken, OPEN meeting of Al-Anon and AA. Other fellowships are also very welcome. The meeting focuses on experience, strength and hope in recovery. 

This is a hybrid meeting: both in-person and online. For the in-person meeting, it is best to contact us by phone first.

Physical Address:

Jellinek room 0.D.04,  Jacob Obrechtstraat 92, Amsterdam


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 811 8568 2749

Passcode: 947638


Caspar: +31655128371      

Diederik: +31614864411

Brussels, BE (Sunday and Tuesday)


0032(0) 472 317 570


Online meeting on Zoom:

Sunday 13.30-14.30 (CEST) - Meeting ID: 393 971 670 – Password: serenity

Please make an account on the online platform click on 'Join a Meeting' using the above mentioned login details at the specified times. Zoom is available both on your computer (PC/Mac) and smartphone (iPhone/Android) for easy access.

Alternatively, call the Zoom host on +32 (0) 0487 36 99 92 or the group phone (+32) 456 15 63 13

Physical meeting:

Tuesday 18:30 - 19:30 

Rue de la Victoire 26 1060, Saint-Gilles (Brussels)

The Hague, NL (Saturday)

Saturday 20:00 – 21:00

The meeting is currently meeting face-to-face at the original location. Please let us know if you are planning to attend for the first time. After 8pm the door may be locked, so please call if you arrive and cannot get in. Someone will come downstairs to let you in.

Esther de Boer van Rijklaan 20, 2597 TJ The Hague. (In the American church).


Leuven, BE (Sunday)

Sunday 20:30 – 21:30

English-speaking meetings, currently online via Skype. 


Courtesy listing: Nederlandstalig vergadering (Dutch speaking meeting).

Rotterdam, NL (Thursday)

Donderdag 18:45 – 20:00

Rotterdam Noord. Hillegersberg – Schiebroek.

Gebouw Acropolis, Archillesstraat 290, 3054 RL Rotterdam.


Luxembourg Al-Anon Group (Sunday)

Sunday 11am -12pm

Weekly meetings 

English spoken.

This hybrid meeting (both in person and online) focuses on experience, strength and hope in recovery. 


To join the meeting, please contact us by email or Facebook.

Physical address


20-30, rue d‘Anvers

L-1130 Luxembourg 



Facebook: Al-Alanon Luxembourg. Fellowship Helping Relatives of Alcoholics.