Want to start a new Al-Anon meeting? Contact us we can help! email
Currently, there is room availability in Leiden, NL, near the University. We are looking for Al-Anon members wishing to start a meeting there.
Vacant service positions
The AIS is currently looking for volunteers to fill the service position(s) below.
Candidates must be Al-Anon members.
Both service positions are to be filled for a period of 3 years. However, if you are interested but cannot commit to 3 years, please still let us know.
For enquiries, please email
AIS Webmaster
Tasks for this service position are:
Check and reply to incoming emails and questions from newcomers and Al-Anon members, new in the region.
Keep the website up-to-date (meeting info changes, upcoming conventions, literature updates)
Attend AIS meetings (held 3 - 4 times per year, currently online)
If requested by the Dutch Al-Anon liaison or Public Outreach liaison, forward emails from Dutch Al-Anon together with the minutes from business meetings or give them access to the account.
AIS Coordinator
Tasks for this service position are:
Plan the AIS meeting (ideally 3 to 4 times a year). Set date and time, choose and make reservations for/arrange meeting place or zoom link, create an agenda (with input from others), invite members and GR's to the AIS meetings via email, chair the meeting in-person. Keep the email list up to date.
Distribute information (e.g. from Dutch Al-Anon, AA, conventions) to the Group Representatives and maintain / build the relationship with afore-mentioned parties. All this can be done via email.
Co-sign the bank account with the AIS treasurer (For joint oversight of the account and make transactions if the treasurer is unable to.)